Saturday, January 3, 2009


  1. Why is communication so important during an emergency?
  2. What forms of communication have been used during recent disasters e.g Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami
  3. What essential information needs to be communicated during a disaster or emergency?
  4. What information can be created before the emergency? What information needs to be communicated during the emergency?
  5. What hardware and software is required to be able to communicate online?

- Communication is important during emergencies because you can ask other people for help by sending mail.
- People have been sending mail to other countries around for help and they have informed the newspaper companies about it so everyones knows what is happening and how they can help, they have also called people by using cell phones and radios.
- They should know what is happening and where it's going on, when, and if anyone is hurt, and the fastest way to help these people.
-  I would contact people by saying why i feel something is going to happen, like if there was a tornado coming i would tell people the weather, and i would ask people if they think a tornado is coming so they can help me give reasons and help me contact other people.
- They should have internet connection to talk to people and ask them for help. Some ways they can contact people online is, they can go online on messenger which is the fastest way, they can just send mail, or build a website to inform people.
                                     This is a video people have posted during a Tsunami



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